​Pastor Renard Barto owns and operates a successful local business. He serves as an Elder at CMCC and oversees all home group ministries. Renard has been married to his wife Gina for 32 years. They have nine children and four grandchildren. Renard and Gina have a passion to see marriages restored and families strengthened.


Pastor Jacob and Sheila Johnson serve as Executive Pastors at CMCC. They both have previously served in Youth Ministry and on multiple trips to the mission field. Married for 7 years, the Johnson’s have two children. They have a passion for this region to be filled with hearts that burn with the transformational love of Jesus. Both lifelong residents, Jacob’s direct family can be led back to original families that founded the area. Jacob graduated from SUNY Delhi and works locally at a telecommunications company. Sheila holds a degree from SUNY Delhi in addition to completing the Missions and International Community Health program at Elim Bible Institute. Their heart is for building the local church and seeing God’s kingdom grow in the Catskills.
Pastor Randall Johnson designs a wholesale line of jewelry that he sells at international trade shows. He serves as an Elder at CMCC overseeing our Sunday services. He has been married to his wife Letty for 43 years. They have a daughter, son-in-law and a two grandchildren. They have a passion for the arts and to serve the growth of God’s kingdom in the Catskills.

Pastor Ron and Julie Odato are originally from Long Island, NY and have been members of CMCC since 1998. They have served in various ministries over the years: Senior Meals, Usher Ministry, Worship Team, CMCC Book Store, Catskill Mountain Christian Academy, Samara Christian Center Senior Pastors in Costa Rica, Home Group leaders, Bible Study leaders and Event Speakers. Their family is the fruit of Catskill Mountain Christian Center, with children and grandchildren serving the Lord all over the country. They own several local businesses and have lived in the beautiful Catskill Mountains for over 30 years.

Pastor Raul and Sulma immigrated from Mexico in 1993, they established
their businesses in 2010, they encountered the Holy Spirit in 2011 at Catskill Mountain Christian Center, and they and their family was baptized. Pastor Raul hosts Unidos por las Montañas (United by the Mountains), a radio show on WIOX for the Spanish speaking community. Raul and Sulma have been married for 29 years and have three daughters, a son-in-law and two grandchildren. They have a heart for serving and fervor for sharing the word and seeing others delivered
through the power of the Holy Spirit. They have connected with and counseled many couples within the Hispanic community in Delaware and surrounding counties.