2019 Women of the Word Conference

Pertinent Details
Seeing God Women's Conference
Open to all ladies ages 13+
Thursday October 24, 2019, 7pm - 10pm
Friday October 25, 2019, 9am - 10pm
Saturday October 26, 2019, 9am - 12pm
Catskill Mountain Christian Center
629 Main Street
Margaretville, NY 12455
$49.00 per person
Register yourself or a group using the form provided below.
Payment Options
The cost is just $49 per person!
We have provided the convenience of paying securely with a credit card via the PayPal button below.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make your check payable to 'CMCC' and mail to:
Catskill Mountain Christian Center
PO Box 26, Margaretville NY 12455.
Meet Our Speakers and Ministers

Dr. Lynn Lucas, Keynote Speaker
Lynn is the Senior Pastor of Fountainhead Congregation in East Northport, NY. She holds Doctorate degrees in ministry and theology and has a passion for expounding the scriptures in understandable and revelatory ways. Her ministry has seen countless lives healed and delivered and has taken her to every corner of the United States. Lynn co-authored the book “No Longer a Victim” with Dr. Burton Stokes.

Dr. Sharon Billins
Guest Speaker
Dr. Sharon Billins is the presiding Apostle of Palm Tree International Ministries based out of Columbus, Georgia. Palm Tree International Ministries is a teaching and equipping ministry whose intention is to raise up five-fold ministers, licensing and ordaining them so that they may go into all parts of the world. Dr. Billins is a graduate of Florida State University and has been commissioned by God to equip the body of Christ through revelatory teachings based on Ephesians 4:11 five-fold ministry curriculum. She has traveled to many nations preaching and teaching the saints of God.

Pastor Sherry Gunkle
Speaker and Prophetess
Sherry Gunkle is an anointed worship leader and walks in a dynamic prophetic gifting. She labors alongside her husband in building up the Body of Christ at The City of Refuge church in San Antonio, TX. Sherry is a strong leader, but exemplifies Godly submission to her husband. She is sought after as a conference speaker, preacher, and teacher. The City of Refuge is a prophetic church, attentive to what the Spirit is saying to the church in these last days. It is also a place of restoration where inner healing and deliverance are emphasized.

Pastor Nancy Engelhardt
Conference Host
Pastor Nancy Engelhardt has been a popular conference speaker for over thirty years. She is married to Bob Engelhardt, senior pastor of Catskill Mountain Christian Center, Margaretville, NY. The Engelhardt’s have five children & nine grandchildren. Nancy’s ministry is known to impart biblical insight and affect people in a challenging, inspiring and positive way. She is transparent, prophetic, motivating, humorous and often life-changing. She reveres God's Word and communicates it with purity, skill and revelation. Her fierce commitment to serving under the authority of the local church has made her a favorite of churches, women's groups and conferences. Nancy has a burning vision to raise women to their God given potential and place of leadership in the body of Christ. At her home church in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of New York, Nancy is Director of Ministries. She has been an ordained minister since 1990. It has been said of Mrs. Engelhardt by her husband Apostle Engelhardt, “Nancy changes lives and I make people think”.
These days Nan camps out in Job 42 “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You".

Emily Capra
Guest Speaker
At a very young age Em Capra has had bestowed upon her a supernatural Elisha like double blessing of wisdom and clarity of purpose in Christian service. Em currently works at Mercy Chefs in Virginia Beach, VA, a faith-based, non-profit disaster relief organization whose mission is to serve professionally prepared meals for victims, volunteers and first responders in national emergencies and natural disasters. Additionally, Em is a senior at Regent University majoring in Communications and hopes to begin law school in the fall of 2020. As the youngest of 12 siblings, Em was prophesied over and likened to a modern day Joseph whose service to God through any and all endeavors she encounters will unite believers and non-believers alike to demonstrate God’s mighty grace and joy as people gather together to praise him and strive to do his will. You will readily see and hear a portion of God's amazing plan of unity and service when this remarkable young woman speaks.

Pastor Alicia Barto
Lead Worship Minister
Pastor Alicia Barto is an entrepreneur and businesswoman. She runs two successful companies with her sister. Born and raised in the beautiful Catskill Mountains, she grew up at CMCC and serves as worship pastor, overseeing four different teams. She strongly believes in the power and healing which comes from listening to the Holy Spirit during worship. She is anointed and on fire for God, and is prophetic in her worship as much as she is talented, gifted and sensitive in her musical abilities. Alicia's passion is to encourage others to pursue a deeper relationship with the Lord during times of worship.
How To Get Here
Arriving by Car
NYS Thruway (North or South): From the tollbooth take the immediate right ont NY State Route 28 West (toward Pine Hill) for a 44 mile drive through the mountains to Margaretville. Turn right onto Bridge Street, and at the traffic light turn left onto Main Street. CMCC is about 0.3 mi ahead on your right.
Arriving by Air
Nearest airports are Albany International (ALB) (about 2hrs north) or Stewart International (SWF) (about 1.5 hrs south in Newburgh NY). From the airport you may rent a car.
New York City airports (LaGuardia/LGA, Kennedy/JFK, Newark/EWR) are about 3 hours drive from CMCC.
Arriving by Train
The Amtrak train line stops at the Rhinecliff station (RHI) which is approximately 1.25 hr from CMCC. Taxi service is available at the station for nearby car rental agencies.
The Metro North and Amtrak train lines stop at the Poughkeepsie station (POU) which is approximately 1.5 hrs from CMCC. Taxi service is available at the station for nearby car rental agencies.
Area Lodging
Bed & Breakfasts/Motels
Home Rentals
Local Restaurants
Quicker Service
Take-out or table service
Casual and Fine Dining
Take-out or Table service